Tuesday, 26 February 2013

a balance of self

I will admit, after last weekend's activity (Frequency: the pre, during, and post parties), seeing and spending time with so many loved ones and generally just enjoying the company of friends...coming back to Kamloops left me feeling rather melancholy.In the end, what goes up must eventually come down. So, as I soared off the mountainous peak of joy I had been residing on all last week, the valley I not-so-gracefully plummeted into was a little lower than I had expected.

I believe the universe and the world in which we live are built around balance. We know these things already; every action has a reaction, opposites attract, the karmic rule of retribution. We see it in complex chemistry. We see it in the smallest, simplest moments of our lives. The universe checks the scales of reason, steadying the weights of life to make sure both sides rest in a perfected equilibrium. 

So as life would have it, my moment on cloud nine came to an eventual end and I was left clasping the lowest rung of the emotional ladder. Fighting for positivity isn't easy when you've already decided the battle’s been lost.

But as is the case with most of the dark times in our lives, finding time for introspection can often lead us to some light. It’s been in the last few days that I realized how important it is to spend time on my own. It is the relationship we have with our self that ultimately stands the test of time. The bond and trust you have with your own soul will outlast any friendship you make or love you form.

I had forgotten what it was that made me tick, the pleasures in my life that are only special because I find them so. Knowing yourself and spending time in personal thought are integral to your souls well being, and as I spent time this past weekend focused on everything that was going on around me, I forgot to take a moment. I forgot to pause and remember what it is that I stand for. I truly believe some of the most passionate, confidant and courageous souls I've ever met were such beautiful humans because they were well established inside. Doubt has no place in a heart that truly loves its beholder. 

It's important to take time to romance yourself. Taking time to remember not only the things that are important to you, but why you are the person you are. There will always be those things we don’t like about ourselves. But you can’t ignore your flaws or your downfalls, or they will best you in every situation. If you know your strengths in character just as well as you know your weaknesses, you can find solace in the darkest of times. In the end, its really just about self-awareness. 

My personal universe has found balance again. I came from the bliss of friendship and music only to find myself feeling lonely and alone. When I realized it was because I had neglected the connection I have with my own soul and mind, I found myself on high ground once again. Stand up, dust off, foot forward. 

I've been thinking about this a lot lately and thought it would be nice to share. We’re all beauties in our own way, each with our own set of unique struggles and deficits that make us who we are. Never forget about what makes you the beauty you are though. I am blessed to have met so many great people in my 25 years, and I hope each one knows how great they are and how privileged I feel to have met them. Sometimes its a battle out there, but you're stronger than you know. 

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