Thursday, 13 December 2012

in the dark

My restlessness lately is unmatchable. I am a creature of the night.

It’s as if my mind is in an almost zombie-like state all day long, just simply going through the familiar motions. And then when the sun goes down, my mind awakes from its dark slumber, switches into overdrive and chooses to make up for its day time nap by thinking harder and faster than it ever has before. 

I should prefect the word choice “zombie” with the message that I am indeed alive. I am completely engaged and I'm aware of everything around me as my day chug-a-lugs, on and on and on. 

Wake up, brush teeth, drink coffee, find pants. Shake off the sleep that still clings to my body, lingers around my bones like a nice warm dream. My bed – the ultimate temptress – it can simply never have enough time with me… in the morning at least. But at night, when my brains making up for all that lost time, when I’m thinking about things I hadn’t bothered to care about in years or people I haven't seen in what feels like forever – no, at night my bed is the enemy. It wants nothing to do with me. It isn’t nearly as inviting as it had seemed all morning or when I had thought about making my way back to it during my long day’s journey. 

Now it’s just cold and unwelcoming. Now it wants absolutely nothing to do with me and frankly, the feelings mutual. 

Because at night I am my most creative self. As I lay on my back and stare up at my perfectly white, stuccoed ceiling I am full of undiscovered ingenuity. I begin to work on my dreams, the ones I hadn’t bothered to consider while the sun was up. Now I remember all the things that excite me and all the things I want to discover. Before I ever reminisce, I spend most of my time thinking of the places that I need to see, the people I want to meet, the person I think I could be, the person I am becoming. I think about what I need to do first thing tomorrow morning that will bring me one stop closer to my dreams. As soon as I rise and my feet hit the carpet – I will brush my teeth, drink my coffee, I will find my pants and then I will begin working on the things that will put me that much closer to the places and people I want to discover. 

That’s the exciting part of this battle-with-the-night that I find myself ever entrenched in lately. This is where I envision artists, writers, musicians, producers, creators, lovers and visionaries get their beginnings - where they became the luminescent souls they are during the daylight hour. I have a taste of it, for I too am a creature of the night.

But the honeymoon stage soon fades, my barely lit bedroom becomes that much darker and my bed becomes a touch colder than I just remember it feeling. And you know what I do next?

I reminisce. Sometimes of good, sometimes of bad, sometimes of the very, very strange. I remember friends from days where the term friend meant someone who saved you a seat whenever they could, who chose you when being chosen in front of others was important. I remember friends that I played with – simple cut and dry, on the playground fun. I also remember fleeting events that when they occurred, left a brief trace on my memory, never to be heard from again – until now. Now when the sun has gone down and I am no longer a half-eyed, sluggish day-zombie. I am now a night owl. Embarrassing moments, stupid things I’ve said that I wish could be taken back. Missed opportunities, all those chances never taken. I think of these things too. 

Sometimes I think of these moments in a dark way. I blame myself and I make promises that I will have less of these kind of memories for the next night I lie awake, unable to find the calm embrace that sleep provides. I draw a line in the sand – one that divides me from the old me, the person that made outrageous claims to others, the one who allowed herself to fall into so many half-truths from now-untrusted enemies. I say to myself, “…that was you then and this is you now.” You won’t foolishly promise things you can’t deliver and you certainly won’t believe every person that walks through the door, into your life, and extends a friendship. 

And then other times I remember these moments in positivity and light. I think it all depends on the constraints of the day hours – where I spent a majority of my time. If my days are spent in positivity and I’m growing in all the things I desire, than most often at night in the absolute silence, I think of the missed opportunities and the chances not taken in a positive way. It reminds me to step outside myself and believe in unconquered land. I draw the same line in the sand, but this time it’s different. This time it’s not a rigid line of distinction between a present, past and prospective me. I draw it as a line gesturing in a direction of unimaginable growth and happiness. Where the next time I learn to trust and be a better woman, a better soul and a forgiver. A friend and a fighter. A visionary. 

It all depends I suppose, on the constraints I feel in the daylight hours. 

The evening isn’t finished however, and lately the end has become a stage I feel the most familiar with, and most certainly not by choice. This is where I really desire sleep. I am done being creative, I am done remembering and now all I want to do is close my eyes, flip the switch or turn the nob or whatever it is you should be able to do and just go to sleep. I have to be a somewhat functional zombie tomorrow and I need sleep in order to do so. I have to step out of bed, grab my coffee, and put into action all those giant, foreboding steps I’ve spent the last few hours thinking about. 

My bed becomes a rigid board of wood beneath me. It doesn’t mold with my body, it doesn’t make any apologies for my discomfort – I am an intruder and my presence isn’t welcome here. My pillows are trying to suffocate me. They’ve had just about enough of me and my constant fight to get cozy and now, now they’ve resorted to filling in all around me and blocking any available airflow. My blankets are cold and their wrapped around me like a thousand writhing, carnivorous snakes. I thought there were only two blankets on this “bed” and now there feels like a dozen. I’m hot, and then I’m cold again and my mind is racing in a million different directions. 

I am not productive, I am not happy, I am not the luminescent visionary I was an hour again.  

Now I simply beg for sleep. 

I miss people I shouldn’t, people I don’t even think I really miss. I feel age-old emotions, remember deep and lonely songs and I am simply not my own fan. Sleep - where art thou?

I grab a glass of water and sometimes I begin to read whatever is beside my bed that particular evening. Sometimes these things work, sometimes they don’t. But then a strange thing happens. It’s a part I can never seem to quite remember so I can’t speak to what happens in these final stages of my night but suddenly, out of nowhere - I fall asleep. Dreams come and their usually friendly. Sometimes they’re not, but their almost always illusive come morning time. I wake up, I brush my teeth, I drink my cup of coffee. The sun pours through my window, licking its lips at the promise of the day and I join in on the activity. I think of my bed and the battle that ensued the night before and I am sure it won’t be like that again, the next time I lie down.

But lately, it is like this. And every single stage is more intense then the night before.

I really am a creature of the night.

Sometimes I think anything is possible in the dark – wide awake and in the dark.

Thursday, 6 December 2012


First of all, I’d have to give two shits about the Grammy’s in the first place, to allow any of the obviously glaring atrocities that were made last night to affect my day IN THE SLIGHTEST. But I don’t give two shits, and it doesn't affect my day – and here’s why.

Anyone that doesn't realise already that the Grammy’s -- like any other award promoting, performance recognizing platform -- is a solely politically and financially motivated industry would perhaps allow something like last night’s nominations (and I’m speaking purely in terms of the EDM nods) to cry outrage and god forbid – CARE. For some dim-witted, half-skulled musical novices out there that still look to “Billboard” charts and the number of Grammy’s “artists” have as an indication of where to spend their musical dollars and what to listen to - for these individuals, last night’s EDM nominations might matter. Personally, I’m surprised people in the EDM community even care about this crap.

The funny thing is, sometimes I find being counter-culture is ironically so popular these days that the very essence of going against the common grain is in itself, a popular move. Or maybe I’m just hanging out and conversing with some smart, intelligent people. Either way, the fact remains that if you didn’t know the Grammy’s have absolutely 0 insight into what’s actually happening in dance culture and dance music these days, or in the last decade for that matter – well after last night, now you do.

Although a now well-established genre here in our neck of the woods, dance music wasn't always this popular. Dedicated fans use flock to grungy, after-hours nightclubs in hide-away basements, looking to get their electronica fix any way they could. Just because were turning the radio on for a delicious taste of Avicii’s levels and looking to Aoki to spiderman cakes into the faces of “candy” wearing adolescents, doesn’t mean dance music is suddenly alive. IT’S BEEN ALIVE in the hearts of millions for decades. Daft Punk, the Chemical Brothers, trance legend Sasha and techno lord Carl Cox have been ripping up decks and in some cases ACTUAL vinyl for years. Just because the Grammy’s decided to throw a few head nods (and considerably more head nods in the last few years) towards a few DJ’s doesn’t mean ANYTHING. And to even allow it to dominate conversation or rear an interest in fans just gives credit to a platform that simply doesn’t deserve it.

And don’t even get me started on Al Walser. The guys a legend obviously. (I’ll just let the dancing astronaut tear this one apart).

This is how I envision the 2013 Grammy Awards to go down – Skrillex is going to touch up his shave-job and corn row his trademark ‘do’ for the big night, Avicci, or Tim Berg or whatever is name is has already asked Flo Rida to be his date (who eagerly accepted), and Al Walser is going to cake smash a presenter in the face when he excitedly accepts his award….no….wait….that’s Aoki with the cakes. And Swedish House Mafia? Well, they’re going to drop the “Surprise, this isn’t our final tour, but thanks for selling out all those stadiums and buying us matching mansions in Ibiza – see you all next year! We told you not to worry, child” BOMB the night of.

I’m not bitter, I just think it’s so laughable the topic doesn’t even deserve serious commentary. Like I mentioned above, I just don’t give two shits. All I want to do is get my dance on to my favorite tracks, played by my Grammy-snubbed DJ’s…..because we all know next time I buy a ticket to a show I’m going to ask myself…”wait, has this guy won a Grammy yet?” 

Sunday, 18 November 2012

according to me, anyways.

the 5 essentials 

one - an ear for difference. You know if were not careful, and we don't continually appreciate the creative when we hear it, its only a matter of time until they start spoon feeding us the same stuff. Come on, its going to be easy if we don't pay attention and keep our ears perked for unique, NEW, interesting sound...We're going to be jumping around, waving our hands in the air to the same shit every performance or show we go to. Put aside the fact that everything's a band wagon these days with "EDM" - every show goer is just stealing our special little secret right? We mock Guetta for selling out, we beak Tiesto for going house, but aren't we just doing that because its the easy thing to do? There's a ton of other "DJ's" and "producers" out there giving us the same old thing and we just keep soaking it up. Listen for something that's different...follow it down the rabbit hole and who knows what kind of exciting stuff you'll find. 

two - you've got to care. It's simple really, you've got to care about your music. Nothing separates you from the fan beside you if you don't genuinely care about your music in some capacity. It's a simple argument, one that's not even worth bringing up again. EDM, its association with drugs, yadda yadda. We all know it, we all get it, and Madonna and Deadmau5 rehashing it for us doesn't do any of us any good or change the fact that such a stereotype exists. But those who honestly care for what their ears and their hearts love, besides all of that, well that's beyond essential. That's stone cold necessary. 

three - share. I've said it before and I'll say it again; sharing is caring! Share with your friends, your enemy's, whatever. You can't say you hate pickles when you've never taken a bite out of a delicious dill. So many meatballs are strutting their stuff out there, dissing EDM like the "pop-infused club top 40 dance crap" it is...yeah whatever. But you can't blame them because they don't know. So share your finds, your dirty dubstep, your tasty trance, serve it up ready to order - ignorance in this case isn't really that blissful. 

four - listen to Markus Schulz. Okay sorry, I had to, but the guy is so good. I linked below his B2B set with's like your ears melt into your earphones. For the fact alone that GDJB is one of the best podcasts's around, his trance is so dark its just addictive. His sound, his style, totally unique. Another reason, in my opinion why trance is anything but dead, and for anyone that says so, lets talk after you listen to this B2B set. 

five - confidence. I list this as five, but really it could be the most important point. I can't stand when someone doesn't have a God damn backbone to defend what it is they like and why. BELIEVE in your own tastes. I love trance so much its borderline obsessive. No, it IS obsessive. Without pigeonholing myself into one particular genre, trance is so many things to me, sometimes I can't even find words to explain why it is that I like it. I have confidence in it though, regardless. Like what you wanna like and pardon my french, but fuck the guy who says its no good. If you like it, have a little faith in your own ear.


P.S. - the beautiful song I was listening to while I wrote this. 

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

and then that random woman whispers "Trance Around The World"

I guess the question really is 'why do I love TATW so much'? It doesn't necessarily afford an easy answer. The best I can tell you is at the end of the day - there are only a few things that elicit a genuine, un-thought, un-planned emotional response from us as human beings any more. And for me, Trance Around The World is one of them. 

Our answers are pre-calculated, our friendships are organized, our days made up in planners and timetables. I know where I’ll be every morning, I know who I’ll see every day, I know where I work, who I like, what I’m going to say to those around me. Maybe that’s why I feel like the wings on my feet are slowly breaking free from their tethered shackles, looking for new air to conquer. Because as much as the security and comfort of knowing how you feel is wonderful, NOT knowing and genuinely responding to something is a breath of fresh fucking air.

Meeting someone who steals your attention for a second, unplanned – nothing thought through. Deciding that maybe you will be somewhere different tomorrow, see something new next week, feel something instantly genuine and fresh – well that’s why I love TATW.

Because whenI sit in my bedroom, surrounded by familiar territory in Alberta, or my brand new mountains in B.C., no matter where I am – what I feel when I listen is genuine. It’s brand new, its intensive emotion that’s surprising and exciting and its ME.

Sometimes I close my eyes and I’m reminded of a brand new moment at a long ago show, where a producer, a DJ, where someone took me on a musical journey that was new. Or sometimes I just feel that brand new emotion in my kitchen, sipping coffee and feeling. TATW makes me feel. Trance music makes me feel. It reminds me that although I may have rested my spirits somewhere, that my time to be steady and calm, to learn and to remain patient is important now – it reminds me of those slowly flapping wings below my knees, around my ankles. They’ll be ready to soar soon.

It fills me with unexpected excitement about new love, fresh starts, and adventures to unfold. Sometimes it fills my heart with old loves, dead ends and adventures that lead to personal ruin, if but for a time. BUT at least I feel it. What a shame it would be to stop feeling at all, or at least not to feel anything we hadn't already planned for ourselves. And that is why I love TATW. 

It makes me feel something nothing else can. 

And on that note...

My first link here is going to take you to the wonderful Electronic Oasis's website, where they've cleverly listed the top 10 ID's from TATW 450. There's new Mat Zo + Porter, a new A&B track, even an new Andrew Bayer ID. It's just an easy link for you to cash in on and find the newest stuff you can't ID from a few greats and better-than-great weekend of music.

Secondly, as per my almost prophetic telling of the weekend in question, Mat Zo's tracklist was beautiful...

Also - Andrew Bayer's set. If you don't own It's Artificial, you should.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

perhaps we should try this again?

I've been thinking a lot about forgiveness lately. What it means to forgive someone - to truly release yourself from any kind of pain or injustice that you've endured. What it actually means to be free. It's been with ease anyone has ever encouraged the art of forgiveness to another. When it’s not your pain or your freedom dangling in the balance, it’s so easy to prompt someone to forgive.

I've been taught my entire life to forgive those who do wrong against me. After all, we're all human right? We all at one point or another, act in selfish disregard of another's feelings, only focusing on the sole pursuit of our own gratification. Who in their life hasn't chosen their own happiness over someone else's? At a very basic level of understanding, we do it every single day. From the simplest acts we perform in our homes, with our friends, around our family - altruism is an often desired, but never fully acquired trait. If I am, at any given point, only acting in my own self-regard, than I have to be able to conceive someone else doing exactly the same thing.

I understand forgiveness. I understand that holding bitterness, envy, grief, even hate...holding onto all of these things only serves to imprison a person. I understand forgiveness. One gains nothing when they continue to hold an injustice in their heart - after someone has betrayed a trust, spoken a lie, offered an unkind word.

I understand that fundamentally, forgiveness is supposed to allow freedom for YOU as the forgiver. It is a tool to set you, the burdened heart, free.

But what if the place where you once stood is so totally shaken, so foundationally corrupted, that what you once believed true now no longer seems so clear? What if the closest people lied, the realest truth’s proved fake, what if love proved not enough? What then?

I use to speak from a place of faith. I had faith in forgiveness and I encouraged it in others. And I guess, from a certain perspective I still believe in it. I don’t doubt its power to free you from another’s “mistake”, that beyond everything else, it allies itself most strongly with the one it’s used by. When the ground beneath you shakes however, forgiving isn't as easy you might imagine. 

You reach out for that strong virtue, the thing you know you’re supposed to do and you just can’t. You try. You get it!…it’s right, and you know eventually you’ll stand on firm ground once again – maybe not the same ground, but solid all the while. You know one day it’ll be a distant memory. Love will be enough again one day. What if however, despite all of this you can’t forgive? 

Are you trapped forever?

Are you forever incapable of letting go?

….or maybe you just keep trying. You keep trying to forgive, if only for you. There seems a fine line right now, right here with my thinking – one that holds between a dark side of mistrust that is dreary, spiteful, beaten and broken. I am none of those things. The other side is bright, spontaneous, honestly ambitious, expansive, sunshine radiates throughout…I am not really any of those things either.

I am walking the fine line of forgiveness. I am trying to forgive others and myself every day in every mistake. Dare I slip and fall and be lost forever to either side of the war, I will continue to tread the line and find forgiveness. It isn't bullshit when I search for positivity, it doesn't make me dumb. Trying to let go doesn't make me stupid. I want more for myself.

What happens when you try and forgive someone who broke you in a deep and dark way, and you just can’t? ...Perhaps you try again.  

Friday, 2 November 2012


Guess who went hunting? This girl. I divided and conquered the far reaching corners of the internet, searched the darkest holes, pillaging and laying claim to my victorious finds. Haha, okay not quite. I listened to a few podcast's, I sampled a couple group's postings I'm privy too, even checked out some Soundcloud's...all of which easily led me here with what I've found to be worth sharing. 

Annnnd that's kind of the point of what I felt like saying tonight, or this morning, or whenever one of my friends is forced to read this. Share your music with everyone that seems curious, share with any willing ear or heart. 

If someone hadn't shared with me I wonder if I would have ever fallen in love with this kind of music. I didn't just go to a rave, or show or whatever you want to call it one day and fall in love with techno music. In fact, I hated techno when I was first introduced. Yes, I can remember saying "it all sounds exactly the same". Ugh - that makes me shudder. 

I met a friend my first year of university who asked if I'd ever heard of Tiesto. When I admittedly hadn't, it was her willingness to share with me that changed the type of music I listened to then and for the rest of my life. On a scrap piece of paper she wrote down 6, maybe 7 songs that unknowingly changed my life. 

It may have started there, but all along the way people have been sharing with me what they enjoy. Some, by request - I admire a few people I've met in the last few years that search for new tunes harder perhaps than I do. And then there are those that have sent me songs that haven't stuck - but the point is this has become a hobby, an obsession, my greatest love - and all because someone decided to share a song with me. I post a multitude of songs that I know not everyone's going to like, but I know there are a few people out there that are going to find the same kind of joy I do in them. 

Someone is trolling my wall on Facebook because they don't know where to go to find the music I've shared that they really dig  - and that's cool by me. Running the risk of sounding cliche, music can save a person from whatever misery they've got going on. It's done it for me. 

A couple of these songs I discovered in a group I'm a part of on Facebook called degrade L.A.. I met a guy from Los Angeles in Amsterdam at the Flying Pig Hostel, and this guy literally lunged at me across his bar stool when I asked him what he thought about Mat Zo - instant friends. He added me to this group and I've been able to hear stuff I would NEVER have found on my own. I'm glad he, and others, are sharing!!!

SHARE WHAT YOU GOT PEOPLE!!!!! Especially with me - I want to hear it all!


I've divided my finds into 2 groups - the first is trance, some proggy, with a little seven lions. The second is electro-house, with a touch of dub. I'm trying to broaden my horizons and lately I've been really dabbling in the dub - who knew. 

Also I have the links below all the titles, I am painfully pathetic with computers. My knowledge extends to typing in youtube queries....and then I'm basically a lost cause. So my blog layout is semi-pathetic, but the substance is there, the meat and potatoes. It just might not be that aesthetically pleasing. 

group number 1:

1. Paul van Dyk ft Plumb - I don't Deserve You (Maor levi & Bluestone remix)

I just want to make a note that the drop in this song made me first pump in bed, with the lights out last night. How's that for a mental image?

2. EDX - Touched (Original Mix)

3. Sean Tyas feat. Julie Thompson - What I Am

4. Ferry Corsten ft. Betsie Larkin - Not Coming Down (Dash Berlin 4 AM Remix)!

Dash Berlin is like a popcycle - no matter how hold you get or refined your tastes become, you are always going to want to come back and have a popcycle. I hope that's not offensive, because I don't mean it to be - I just think he's a staple of the trance-lovers diet and although sometimes his "pop-infused" stuff rubs me the wrong way, he's always going to be that guy that dropped Man on the Run for the first time I ever heard it live and made me cry. 

5. Hot Chip "Flutes" [Sasha Remix] (Last Night on Earth)

6. Orjan Nilsen - Filthy Fandango (Original Mix)

This is by far my favorite find of this week. 

7.Seven Lions – The Truth [OWSLA]

8. Festen - Give It To them!

9. Andrew Rayel feat. Jano - How Do I Know 
10. Feed Me & Crystal Fighters - Love Is All I Got (Feed Me's matilda Remix)!

11. Kastle - Stay Forever (VIP)

12. Robosonic - The Edge (Original Mix)

13. Firebeatz & Schella - Dear New York (Original Mix)

14. Tujamo & Plastik Funk - Who (Original Mix)

15. Abstract vision & Elite Electronic vs Broning - Relict (Basil O'glue & Styller Remix)

Friday, 26 October 2012

funky fresh

fresh-faced and funkadelic, Mat Zo is the magic man for tons of reasons - you just gotta let your ears do a little listening. The past 2 weeks he's given us even more fuel for our (at least my) burning zo fever. I linked below why..

1. Ministry of Sound - 27th October Saturday Sessions: Exclusive Mix

He released this today as a warm-up mix for his set this Saturday (October 27th) w/ Porter Robinson at Ministry of Sound. I'd probably get up on a table, fist pump and double fist doubles all night long at this show...wait a minute, I already DID do that when they were both in Edmonton #yeg last spring. This set is good for a number of, albeit different, reasons. The shortest way I can put it is it's bassy, its fast, and it does exactly what its suppose to do - "warm you up". Plus I love Zedd's "Shave it", so its pretty spot-on in my books. 

2. Mat Zo's India Mix

Exactly a week before he released his MOS exclusive mix, he posted this little nugget of gold. The only problem I can find with this mix is that it's only 30 minutes long. Set to be a warm-up for his set during Trance Around The World #450 (November 10th), it proves yet again why he's so good. It's original, its funky and its trance music. Funky and trance don't go together, like Aoki and Armin, water and oil, cheese and carrots. They don't belong in the same listen, and he somehow makes it work. I was groovin' for the first 10, feeling those typical "trance-tugging" emotional hiccups in the middle and back to kick-stepping by the end. THAT'S why Mat Zo is a genius - he's creative, he's unpredictable. 


1 - Minimow - Bollyhouse
2 - Eric Sneo & Chris the voice - Shut up and dance
3 - Tomaz & Filterheads - Sunshine
4 - Tritonal - Utopia (Arty remix)
5 - Alex Kenji - No matter what they say
6 - Eco with Breakfast - Wide Open (Johan Malmgren Remix)
7 - Chocolate Puma & Gregor Salto - Gimme Sum
8 - Bing Players & Ferry Cprsten - Get on the Move Punk (Arty Rock-n-rolla Mix) (Mat Zo Mashup)
9 - Mat Zo - Bipolar
10 - Walck - Rise up

3: Above & Beyond: TRANCE AROUND THE WORLD 400.5 (Mat Zo)

Just a refresher - remember when Mat Zo blew our minds for TATW 400.5?....I don't know about you, but I didn't see this mix coming. This should be an even better warm-up for November 10th....this is what music is suppose to sound like right here. 

I'm telling you friends, I'm on to something here. If by some strange, MESSED UP reason your not already listening to this kid, then please do yourself a favor and turn him on and up. When I here his stuff I'm physically forced into sharing it with others so everyone can have a taste of this guy's greatness. I'm not just a fan girl spreading the love - I love music and I especially love creative, funky, groovy, jazzy, bassy beats and if you want to expand your horizons, expand them through this guy. 

WORD, meow and enjoy. 

Thursday, 18 October 2012

a list for Smith.

Mike Smith, the father of such notable  phrases like "that beat was so dirty, someone needs to mop the floor" and "team work makes the dream work, baby", has requested a list of new tunes for him to dirty floors with. So it lays a bit of contextual background for my choices - I had to find only tunes that I could see being spilt, spread, dropped, tossed, hucked, or thrown on the floor and these tunes would need to cause the floor to be so dirty afterwards that Mr. Smith would need to bust out a mop and do a little house cleaning. 

Be warned, and be armed with a mop.

Post floor mopping.

(5) Yves V vs Dani L Mebius - Chained (Original Mix)

(4) Juventa & Johnny Yono - The Machine (original mix)

(3) Kill The Buz - Party Hard

(2) Nicky Romero & Calvin Harris - Iron 

(1) Sub Focus - Out of the Blue (Laidback Luke Remix)

**This is all straight electro house, be forewarned. 

mash-up mania

Remember that set I posted the other day on Facebook, the Myon and Shane 54 set from 2009 which made all ears bow before the Hungarian masterminds!? Well I found another one, rather my tweeting counterparts did....circa 2011.

And like always, you can thank me later, meow.

If you don't like arty, Lange, Zo, Yochen Miller, basically everything that was right musically with 2011...then don't bother with this set. 


I'll be the first to admit it - I don't know nearly as much as I'd like to know about "classifying genre's" and all that shit. Sure, give me some house, dub step, electro, progressive, trance, yeah piece of cake, no problem, give me 5 seconds and I'll tell you what heading it falls under almost immediately. But then it gets tricky...You don't just need to know what giant classifier a certain track falls underneath, there are specific sub-types underneath the first large umbrella, like euro-trance, acid-trance, vocal-trance (okay, that ones easy), uplifting trance, etc....give me a break. I guess I'm suppose to know this stuff, but I don't. And I know people that do know this stuff and it blows me away...maybe I should learn? 

Check out urban dictionary's "definitions" of trance, lol.

Either way, that's besides the point. The point is I'm obsessed with SEVEN LIONS. I don't like Skrillex, and dubstep usually makes me want to stick my head inside an oven, Shambhala was definintly one of those "I'm here for the community and experience not necessarily the bass-womping music" type of situations, and usually when I think of dub in any kind of way, I want to shake my head, pop an advil and call 'er a day. 

***NOTE however that I do make exceptions. For example, DIRTYLOUD has had this weird hold on me for awhile now, their dirty, their bassy, and when they break down some dubstep I can't get enough. I think their so talented.  So that being said, I make exceptions, not always ones I can explain, but when my little ears like something, they like something. Hell, even at Pure in #yeg I got down to a little Hardstyle, which is an even stranger concept to wrap your mind around then me and dubstep. 

I think I've made 2 points here; one, I can't always classify a song into a genre and I'm not totally sure if its an important ability to even have (although I'm open to learning), and secondly dubstep and me are like oil and water (no mixing). Getting me to listen to electro or trance isn't hard and getting me to like it usually isn't very difficult either. But when I listen to a genre I can classify, and I've classified it as something I don't like and yet I do, in fact like it - Now THAT'S great. 

I think it's actually kind of funny how pigeon-holed some people can become in their tastes and artist preferences, unwilling to ever step out and try something new. Yeah, you like that new Armin song? Big surprise, seeing as how you've got ASOT tattoo's on your forearms and you've seen him the 17 times he's been in your city and "he's your God"....give me a break. It makes Armin special when he grabs a fan and maintains one, yes. What would make Armin REALLY special is if he grabbed the dirtiest dub, glitch-hop fan there was and made them fall in love with trance and what he does as a producer. (I love Armin and I'm not ripping him up, I think hes a genius but I also love trance so I think that alone proves my point). 

What I'm trying to say is that I think SEVEN LIONS is brilliant because he is doing something for me as a listener that doesn't happen all the time - I'm beginning to like something I normally wouldn't. This guy doesn't even have a wikapedia page yet, he only has like 3000 some followers on twitter and I just can't understand it......what he does is take trance songs I already know and love, infuse them with what apparently is called "progressive dubstep" and BLOW, MY, MIND. Anyways, he's got a soundcloud, and I'm officially stalking anything he's remixing lately, also go like him on facebook - makes for immediate finds of new tunes! Below, I've listed my favorites so far.....check-check-check it out. 

I feel like anyone at all that likes "dubstep" or "progressive dubstep" or whatever you want to call it MUST know of this guy right, so maybe I'm just stumbling on to the scene late with this one, but maybe not. Listen and love this guy, for real, and then thank me later. Meowwwww.

Paul van Dyk - I Don't Deserve You (Seven Lions Remix) - Radio Edit

Oceanlab - Satellite (Seven Lions Mix)

Seven Lions - Below Us (feat. Shaz Sparks)

Tritonal - Still With Me Feat. Christina Soto (Seven Lions Mix)

Monday, 15 October 2012

embrace your EDM family.

I think sometimes I forget how important music is, in terms of bringing people together. I've had the pleasure of meeting a lot of people through music, be it the shows I've gone to, or just cruising #trancefamily hashtags on twitter. It's nice to know that there are others out there that feel the same connection with music that I do. When you discover a song and you can feel the words to your very core, words that ring true to how you feel at that very moment, or how you've felt in the past. When you feel a drop in a track that brings actual shivers to your spine...I know for a fact that I'm not the only one that feels the intense rush TRANCE brings to the heart, to the mind. Music brings us TOGETHER. I am so blessed to have a family of friends that enjoy music as much as I do as well. To have an environment of friends around me to share music and passion with is a blessing. And every single time I meet someone new in my life that shares the same obsession with music I do, I can't help but get excited. When I hear a track that's done something exciting, and it resonates in my heart or I discover a new song and its on my mind until I've at least shared it with ONE other person, and then I meet someone who suffers from the same symptoms of "music love" that I do, THAT gets me going! 

Specific to EDMONTON - I want to remind all my friends and everyone who calls the city of champions home - EMBRACE whats going on in our city. For every fan boy that's just going to the next Boodang show to drop some E and get messed up and every bandwagoner that is simply there for the party, remember there is someone else who is there for that same feeling I'm speaking about. There are those who love music, and then there are those who love getting fucked up to music -embrace those who are like minded in your love of music and enjoy it TOGETHER. Share music, share DJ's, share some god damn discoveries. And even though I'll be the first to say the amount of shows is becoming totally redundant (I'm currently "invited" to 14 shows in the next 2 months on facebook) and the "money-grab" that EDM is starting to resemble in our city is scary - at least we have the opportunity to see artists other cities and other fans don't have. I'd rather 14 shows to go to then none at all. EMBRACE the family around you that feels the same thing you do when your alone cruising your old In Search of Sunrise albums or downloading AOKI (I hope that's not the case but I refuse to judge)...whatever gets you going, as long as its music that makes you feel what I feel, its doing something right. 


ANYWAYS - Here are some TRACKS that have been on my mind and iPod the past few weeks that'll I'll share with you. 



REX MUNDI - MENCE      (This ones so dark, I love it)


TENISHA -  WHERE DO WE BEGIN (Andrew Rayel Remix)  (best track of last week, hands down)

ARMIN - I'LL LISTEN (Super8 & Tab Remix)


DINKA - POLARITY   (I'm proud of this find) :)

Leon Bolier & Alex Kenji - Trumpets (Original Mix)



Thursday, 20 September 2012


It's a Deniz Koyu kinda day... I had the chance to see him in Croatia at "Beat The Heat" and MISSED it. I'm still kicking myself about that one. He's a must see on my list - so high energy, aggresive, smart - Fedde's right hand man. Lot's of you are probably familiar with his collab with Winter Gordon "Follow You" which is sad, because I think he's got a huge amount of stuff wayyyyyyyy better - follow you is cheesy.. (we'll hear it on the radio, cuz their good like that) sometime next year.. 

He's got a channel too, check it:

5. Deniz Koyu - Lose Control (Original Mix)

-and oldie, but a beauty tune nonetheless

4. Kaskade - Turn It Down (Deniz Koyu Remix)

3. Digitalism - Zdarlight (Fedde Le Grand & Deniz Koyu Remix)

2. Fedde Le Grand, Deniz Koyu & Johan Wedel - Turn It (Original Mix) HD HQ

1. Yenson - My Feeling - (Deniz Koyu Remix)

I don't care that this song's over 2 years old, I just discovered it so its fresh for my ears - this track gives me goosebumps. Standard way I know if a song is good - I can close my eyes and imagine it blasting through my car, windows down, sunshine just pouring in. This is still my favorite remix..I imagine it would be a good set closer's got that energy ya know?

Monday, 17 September 2012

norin & rad unleash another banger, is that a surprise to ANYONE?

I found new Norin & Rad – and, as usual, it’s rock solid.

In all honesty, what isn’t amazing by these two lately?…..Starting with Pistol whipped, which instigated a #hashtagging mania for fans (myself included), followed with the tracks B-side entitled ‘ZION’, and finally delivering the energetic – ‘FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH’, these producers have proven over and over again that their consistent - consistently good. Above and Beyond have self-titled themselves as “Fan-boys”, declaring Norin & Rad “ producers that manage to really capture and define the sound of now”….Their unique sound takes trance in a different direction, hitting you with low, hard bass and a unique sound that’s recognizable almost every time. I thought saying I wanted to get ‘pistol whipped’ was too aggressive (creating your own verb is bad ass in itself), but when you go to a show like A&B's 'Group Therapy' and a track like 'Pistol Wip' is dropped, the only way to describe a crowd response as high in intensity as what I’ve witnessed is just that. In the same vein, ‘Five Finger Death Punch’ is all that it claims to be – an uncompromising punch of bass, right to the face. And finally, with their newest release, ‘DeVas’ (a touch softer than its predecessors, but a drop just as aggressive as ever), their firmly securing themselves as inspired producers with an incredibly creative sound. I’m convinced more and more of their genius. If you want to experience the same violent death punching, pistol whipping bass I’ve been enjoying from this Californian duo, check out the links below. Also, I’ve included their Guest Mixer from TATW. DON'T TAKE MY WORD ON IT - LISTEN and love!

ALSO for Meg's, cuz she love's it that much, Norin & Rad's remix of "All I Can Give You" by Let The Music Play

it's about time.

So, after months of blowing up my friends twitter and facebook accounts with a non-stop influx of musical info that probably only I find interesting, I've decided to start a blog. My friends are now released from the curse that it is to be my friend on any type of social media outlet. I'll try to keep the shit that you probably don't care about off your facebook newsfeeds and keep it confined to my own blog. If someone reads it and digs what I'm saying/posting/sharing/spamming, that's great. And if noone does, it'll just be like it was before anyways, where I'm fairly confident 80% of my facebooking "friends" have ignored my posting's. This way, we all win.